Sunday, May 18, 2014

What's in a Chapter Title?

It's always interested to me when a novel contains a table of contents. Seeing all of the chapter titles before I've read the book always makes me speculate and try to predict what I'm in for. Of course, some chapter titles contain obvious spoilers, which isn't a good thing. But sometimes you can get a vague but intriguing sense of what's in store from reading the chapter titles.

To that end, here are the chapter titles for my forthcoming post-apocalyptic novel, Fading Man. What sort of sense do they give you about the story contained inside?

Chapter One - Admiral Vinegaroon
Chapter Two - Pradeep
Chapter Three - All Places Are Bad Places
Chapter Four - Hasty Retreat
Chapter Five - Desperate Measures
Chapter Six - A Warm Welcome to Tulsey Town
Chapter Seven - Secrets and Souvenirs
Chapter Eight - Shadows and Substance
Chapter Nine - Kingdom of Sickness
Chapter Ten - Cities of Ruined Flesh
Chapter Eleven - A Brutal Philosophy
Chapter Twelve - Hell to Pay
Chapter Thirteen - Break It All Down
Chapter Fourteen - A Fearful Gathering
Chapter Fifteen - Standing in the Way
Chapter Sixteen - Dead Inside
Chapter Seventeen - The Heart Gives Up
Chapter Eighteen - From Water to Dust
Chapter Nineteen - The Desperate and the Dying
Chapter Twenty - Pieces
Chapter Twenty One - Darkness and Light
Epilogue - A Place beyond the Horizon

There you go. There's your table of context for a novel you've never read. But based on those chapter titles, what sort of story would you expect to encounter?

In other news, here is a recent article about Children of the Mechanism. You might as well check it out, unless you've got other business to attend to. In which case, go right ahead and attend to your business.

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